Our most recent project is Hong Kong at Tijili, a wedding expo collaborate of selected prestigious wedding brands.
Participated vendors were Brides on 22, Hartono Gan Made in Indonesia, Henri Winata Menswear, Pretty Blossom Decoration, De Nail Studio, Kartoe, Angkasa Tour, Louise Patisserie, and of course us!
Between the duration of 20-29 April 2018 a few smaller talk shows were up on the same venue to attract more customers of similar interest.
Besides special price and in-house promotion, each potential customers had the opportunity to join lucky dip with many prizes.
During this event, all vendors were well received resulting in numerous customer transactions at one booth or more.
Last but not least, each shopper get the chance to win the grand prize, a free wedding worth 100 Million Rupiah.
It was an interesting way to put a wedding exhibition and we hope for another great collaboration again very soon.